A thank you and farewell to all

Not that this should be a shock to anybody, but the end of Rattling Chains has obviously happened.

However, I needed closure on this part of my life, as well as for the site, considering I still see e-mails asking about it.

announcementI had a time in my life where I was unemployed. This blog provided so many things for me. One, it allowed me to find one of the greatest games in the world. Though I don’t get to play as often as I’d like, I do still try and get out and throw plastic. I’m not an active PDGA member as I don’t plan on playing tournaments or anything, but I still support what they are trying to do.

Maybe, one day, I’ll get back into it. I do think I might subscribe to the magazine, though, as I miss that.

But for the time Rattling Chains existed, I fully believed in the cause. I wanted to bring a journalistic-style of blogging to the disc golf world. It’s something I still think can do well, if done right. As the site grew (and it did so nicely), we had a fun little staff who did some wonderful work.

Thing evolved, but when you try and grow and there’s nothing coming back, it gets tough. I didn’t play enough disc golf to have a full-fledged connection to it. The other main writers were doing so much with but just a thank you. Though, I can’t lie, I still hope to get out to the West Coast and play a round with each of the main players some day in the future.

We did some fun stuff. From coverage of the National Tour, to playing rounds with top pros, to feature stories about companies, mini disc golf and more. I can’t lie – it was fun and a really good experience.

Now, as for the site …

I still believe it has a place in the disc golf community. There are some great stories on this blog, from profiles, to newsy items, to instruction to so much more. I don’t plan on taking the site down. I will continue to purchase the domain name (hey, I never say never when it comes to a return) and keep it up and running so people can see it. The Facebook and Twitter profiles are still there and can easily be used (I actually want to try and see how to get some old posts automatically posting to each so people can maybe discover some of the great stuff once done on the site).

I’ve had the opportunity to make some great friends through this site and I truly enjoyed learning the game and writing about it. That being said, reality has me deeply into my job (which I love) and some other personal projects. I do keep up as well as possible on my personal blog, so feel free to keep in touch. My e-mail is always active, too.

In reality, this was about closure. I’ve had e-mails about the site and doing stories and such, and I felt something like this should be up so people realize what many of us have known for a while.

And it gives me a chance to thank some people, too, for helping make this vision a reality. The big three, of course, are Steve, Jack and Avery, who were all important and massive cogs in this blog. The three did much to help and my thanks can’t be measured in words. I’d also really like to thank Steve Dodge, at Vibram, who was a massive supporter of the site and somebody I consider a good friend now.

This game truly is awesome. Maybe one day I’ll have the chance to write about this game again and maybe even work on a couple of bigger writing projects I wanted to do that were disc golf related. Until then, be well and always remember …

Do you miss? Or Rattle the chains?


P.J. Harmer is the founder and executive editor for Rattling Chains. E-mail him at: pj@rattlingchains.com.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!

4 thoughts on “A thank you and farewell to all

  1. Thanks for the blog, PJ. As an avid disc golfer who wasn’t a PDGA member (up until a month ago), I connected with this blog more than the other great dg blogs out there. I also preferred your writing style over others.

    It would appear as though my RC Zing mini is priceless now.


    • The game hasn’t sucked me back in. Still don’t live close to any courses … maybe in the future. I do have plans of going out this spring and playing a couple of rounds, though.


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